Sunday, June 2, 2013

Comebacks are never good...

     A new term has begun which means my weekly blog will return.  I am not going to lie, it was nice to have a two week break from school, but now we are in the home stretch.  I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, which in this case is a Master's degree with my name on it.  Just in case this is your first time visiting my page I will go back over a few basics.  My name is Margaret, but everyone knows me as Maggie.  I graduated from Troy University in 2010 with my BA in Broadcast Journalism.  While at Troy I held an internship at CMT in Nashville, which is probably the highlight of my life at this point.  What an amazing experience that was!  Currently, I live in Montgomery and work for the city in the Parks and Recreation Department as the Social Media Coordinator.  In lamens terms that means that I connect with people through Facebook and Twitter and manage the department's website.  Also, I am in graduate school and in the process of obtaining my Masters in Strategic Communication. 
     This blog will include topics relevant to strategic communications and emerging media.  The topics will vary from week to week so make sure you come back and check out my thoughts!  I will be posting to this blog once a week and would have to your input on what I have written.  In order to check out my blog please visit  Yes, I am writing this blog for one of my graduate classes, but it is also to enlighten you all on my thoughts about todays media.  Let's face it things have changed in the media world in the past 15 years and will continue to change.  Also, if you haven't noticed blogging is a major way to retrieve ones news and is a great way to just get your thoughts out.  That is basically what this blog will encompass.

     As I just mentioned it is not hard to see how fast the media world is changing.  It seems that everytime we turn around there is some new media outlet to retrieve our news or express our thoughts.  Everything that is happening is innovating our world as we know it.  Facebook has become the norm.  It has innovated the way we communicate with our neighbors, friends and colleagues.  It isn't just a website anymore; we now use it as a verb.  Have you ever caught yourself saying, "Just Facebook me?"  If you say you haven't then you're lying.  I know I have.  It is amazing how fast things change.  Products innovate and change our world when they begin to catch on and become popular.  Facebook is an example, but Twitter is one as well.  That became popular because celebrities started using it and then everyone did.  Honestly, it is insane how fast these social media sites became addictions for the people today.  Personally, I'm addicted to Twitter.  I don't really know why, but I am. I am using social media as examples of innovation, but there are plenty and not just from in today's time.  Refrigerators, microwaves and televisions weren't always used, but they were marketed in a way that got people hooked, just as Facebook and Twitter were.  People began purchasing these new items and realized they were quite useful and fun (television) and the world was changed forever.  In our readings the innovation of newspaper was brought up.  Honestly, I do not think there is anywhere to apply the diffusion of innovation to the newspaper industry.  It has been through its ups and downs, but the digital age is just taking over and I do not think there is anywhere for newspapers to catch up.  Televisions, microwaves and refrigerators use innovation because they continue to change with the times.  Technology improves with each passing year, which means these appliances do as well.  The problem is the newspaper industry has fallen behind in the technology time and I am afraid it may be too late.  There is a quote that a music artist once said that I think applies to this situation as well. ( was Stevie Nicks.) Anyway, Stevie once said, "Comebacks are never good."  That is very true in the music industry because she went on to talk about the fact that you must always stay busy and keep your name out there because if you don't it's not good.  Time passes and things change.  The newspaper industry is trying to make a comback, but it maybe to little to late for them to be asked for the encore that they desire.

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